Biker Tattoos

Biker tattoos are generally summarized in an array of tattoo designs including Harley Davidson, bike engines, motorcycle gang names and logos such as the "Hells Angels", and of course motorcycles.

Looking for a cool biker tattoo? Have a look through this picture gallery of superb biker tattoos.

Biker tattoos commonly include skulls and other creatures within larger tattoo designs.

Harley Davidson tattoos are perhaps the most common design among bikers.

Bikers are known for having extensive tattoos, including sleeves and large back pieces.

Barbed Wire Tattoos

Barbed wire tattoos are recognized as one of the most common choices of tattoo design, in fact barbed wire tattoos have become so insanely popular its often considered a cliche to even have a barbed wire tattoo.

Barbed wire tattoos are usually worn as a band around the bicep, forearm or
ankle, plus barbed wired tattoos sometimes compliment other designs as well.

Here we have a picture gallery of excellent barbed wire tattoos.

These barbed wire tattoos display several ideas for unique designs.

Adding some color to your barbed wire tattoo design will make it more unique and less cliche.

I hope these tattoo picture gave you some good ideas for you very own barbed wire tattoo.

Aztec Tattoos

Asian Tattoos

Not surprisingly, Asian tattoos are wildly popular among all people and often showcased in tattoo designs such as dragons, samurais and of course the mysterious symbols that often get misinterpreted by amateurs.

Here we have a picture gallery of some really cool Asian themed tattoos, which might give you some ideas for your very own Asian inspired tattoo design.

Another common Asian tattoo design is the various Asian themed masks.

Asian inspired tattoos are common among both men and women of all ethnicity.

If you decide to get an Asian symbol tattoo, make sure to double and triple check the actual meaning of the symbol before you even enter the tattoo parlor.

Animal Tattoos